Vision, Aims and Objectives
We believe that it is important for a partnership of academies to be built on trust, openness and challenge.
We are a mutually supportive organisation, which values freedom of expression, tolerance and an appreciation of diversity. We are ambitious for our pupils, staff, academies and communities and we value professionalism and partnership working within a framework of appropriate accountabilities, so that our communities can have confidence in the Trust.
We have the highest expectations of ourselves, The teams working across our academies and our students.
The ACES Academies Trust has a shared local vision to raise aspiration and achievement for the communities we serve. We focus on the raising of standards, by sharing staff expertise and utilising additional resource gained through the sponsor’s connections with a range of businesses across Europe and the US. New staff are employed by the Trust to work where most needed and we aspire to enhance recruitment and retention, through our curriculum innovation and approach to staff development.
The schools in the Multi-Academy Trust develop a common set of values and expectations and work closely together using rigorous QA systems, monitoring and evaluating processes followed by timely and decisive action, in order to secure improvement.
The ACES Academies Trust uses the mantra of Aspiration, Creativity and Excellence to create Success. This seeks to ignite the imaginations of young people, kindle ambition and fuel the creative energy of communities, so that our students achieve excellence and become responsible global citizens. They will develop the ability to apply themselves with resilience, to think creatively, to question and reason, and to argue rationally, so they are equipped to take their places in the world. Tolerance, compassion and respect are central in all schools.
The Trust wishes to secure high standards and good capacity before seeking growth. The Directors of the Trust will consider carefully the capacity for growth through a process of due diligence.
Schools joining the Trust can expect to be supported in their areas of greatest need and have access to an enriched educational experience. They will be closely monitored and there will be opportunities for staff to develop professionally by sharing their strengths across the Trust. The due diligence arrangements, prior to joining the Trust, will identify priorities for improvement.
The objectives of the ACES Academies Trust are to:
- promote aspiration for all;
- use creativity as a vehicle for enrichment and improvement;
- achieve excellence in all areas, leading to better outcomes and success for students;
- develop skills for life and employment in our students;
- be flexible, visionary and responsive to emerging needs;
- be outward facing, actively engaging with and accessing external expertise;
- provide more efficient and effective services at a reduced collective cost.
Academies within our trust are expected to promote the objectives of ACES by:
- encouraging creative and curious minds;
- facilitating independent learning;
- providing opportunities for personal expression and creativity;
- providing each child with the life skills to maximise their chance of success;
- enabling high standards of behaviour and promoting mutual respect;
- focusing on improving progress and achievement for all;
- pursuing excellence in pedagogical practice;
- ensuring that every child is actively engaged in learning, has a sense of purpose and develops self-motivation, self-respect, self-regulation and self-worth.